Comprehensive Health Assessment

Our Comprehensive Health Assessment is designed for:

  • People who are new to naturopathy and a functional medicine approach, who want expert advice to get their health issues resolved quickly, want to make a flexible start without the immediate commitment of a package.
  • Patients who are confident about implementing Carolina’s advice without her support, and are capable of managing themselves well.
  • Those who are already working with another practitioner, but would like a second opinion on testing or strategy, or more information on how to incorporate other modalities.

How Does it Work?

  • Our Comprehensive Health Assessment includes
    • An extremely comprehensive intake process,
    • Initial 80-minute session
    • Your suggested strategy which includes recommendations for dietary adjustments, supplements, herbal prescription, relevant testing, and lifestyle recommendations.
    • We will also send you our 100-page Resources for Healthy Living  (provided once after initial onboarding appointment only) which provides a great deal of additional useful information.
    • A 20-minute follow-up call to be used within 12 weeks of the initial session.
    • We aim to give you the tools you need to implement changes for between 6-12 weeks.
  • Functional tests, supplements and herbal medicine prescriptions are not included in the health assessment cost.
  • If you need more implementation support, you can either continue with monthly rolling support, purchase a follow-up sessions bundle, or work with the clinic on an ad-hoc basis.
  • Hyperbaric oxygen and red light therapy, frequency-specific microcurrent and ear acupuncture sessions are offered at a preferential rate.
  • If we think you would benefit from a neurological or physical exam, or a session to teach you Maya abdominal massage techniques, these can be purchased as add-ons.
  • If a health assessment is cancelled or rescheduled within 6 working days of the initial session, a charge of 25%  is applied. When an appointment from our health assessment is cancelled or rescheduled 3 working days before the appointment, the payment is charged in full or deducted from health assessment as per T&Cs. Working (clinic) days are Monday to Thursday.



Appointment Add Ons

If you would like ear acupuncture in a regular follow-up session, please choose this option for your semi-permanent gold needles. Ear acupuncture is a cost effective, fast-acting treatment which works extremely well as an adjunct to naturopathic treatment to support lifestyle changes. Individual sessions can be useful for symptom relief, or when appointments are not needed as regularly once a course is completed.

If you would like to include red light therapy in your appointment, please choose this option.

Product price: $929.72
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