LABORATORIES / Diagnostic Solutions Genomic Insight

Diagnostic Solutions Genomic Insight

This Genomic health profile is a genetic test powered by Opus23 Explorer.

With Opus23, we are able to customise and curate a report looking at over 5000 SNPS, or genetic variations, using the latest medical literature databases and meta-data sets backed by literature from PubMed, GWAS (genome wide association study), dbSNP, HapMap (haplotype map) and several others.

This information can shape our recommendations for nutraceuticals, nutritional supplements, diet, and lifestyle interventions to proactively influence a patient’s SNPs to improve weight loss outcomes, toxic load, and reduce and prevent disease risk, including cognitive decline risk, cardiovascular and metabolic disease.

One of the key advantages to using this report is to tailor targeted therapies, such as nutraceuticals and herbal medicine around chemotherapy and other medication protocols.

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