Metagenics Fem Prenatal

30 Packets

Metagenics Fem Prenatal is a high-quality multivitamin and mineral supplement in a convenient, once-daily packets designed to provide important maternal nutrition and support healthy foetal growth and development, although we prefer to use this postnatally during lactation. Fem Prenatal is specifically formulated to provide a spectrum of essential nutrients in forms that are gentle, and easily absorbed, particularly in our more reactive patients. Each packet contains 6 tablets so are convenient to carry around.

Fem Prenatal Product Sheet


Please note, this is a practitioner-only product for Anthrobotanica patients and for patients of practitioners we know who have referred you over.  If you have not been referred by your practitioner, please contact us before making a purchase.

Available on back-order

$81.88 incl. VAT: $98.26