Mediherb Chaste Tree (Vitex)

Vitex (Chaste-Tree) encourages healthy menstrual cycling and eases the discomfort associated with menstrual cycling, supports normal reproductive function in women, supports healthy general female hormone balance, eases normal menopausal symptoms.

Contains 60 capsules, and each tablet contains 1ml Vitex Agnus-Castus extract derived from 500mg dry fruit.

Dose 1-4 capsules daily or as directed.

Chaste tree may aggravate pure spasmodic dysmenorrhoea not associated with PMS, Vitex agnus-castus (Chaste Tree) may affect hormones and medications such as oral contraceptives.

Do not use in pregnancy.

Discontinue 7 days prior to general anaesthesia.

If patient symptoms persist, seek additional professional advice.



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