LABORATORIES / Microbiology DX

Microbiology DX

Microbiology DX performs Nares Cultures for gram positive bacteria such as MARCoNS as well as other gram positive bacteria and gram negative bacteria.

This includes identification and antibiotic susceptibility testing when warranted. The same swab can be cultured for fungi including mould and yeast with identification.

This test is a nares (nostril) culture for Multiple Antibiotic Resistant Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci (MARCoNS).

MARCoNS (Multiple Antibiotic Resistant Coagulase Negative Staphylococci) is an antibiotic resistant staph that .
resides deep in the nasal passage.

MARCoNS is not commonly found in the deep sinuses of healthy individuals with well-functioning immune systems. MARCoNS is found in many patients with mould exposure, chronic Lyme disease and biotoxin illnesses. MARCoNS activates inflammation and produces biofilm and biotoxins.

This profile also tests for non-MARCoNS gram positive bacteria and gram negative bacteria, and includes identification and antibiotic susceptibility testing when warranted, as well as a biofilm assessment.

The same swab can be cultured for fungi including mould and yeast with identification.

We use the MARCoNs Nasal Swab in our clinic. This is for patients who are experiencing suspected mycotoxin illness or are on a mould protocol and are looking to monitor treatment outcomes.

Mycotoxin illness may be the consequence of exposure to airborne mould presents in the environment of water damaged buildings.


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